Kingston United OPDL BU13 – March 2024
Introducing the new Kingston United OPDL BU13 team (2011). Top players from the entire SOSA League of teams have come together to the highest level team in the SOSA region. Player...
Jr Gaels BU12 summer 2023
The Kingston Jr Gaels Soccer Club is the city’s largest footy organization providing youth soccer in the region. Formerly the Cataraqui Clippers, the Club has come a long way, now partnered with Queen’s Gaels. This gallery presents action photos from the...
Santa Parade with Junior Gaels Soccer Club
It was a cold and blustery evening; and a perfect backdrop for the Kingston Junior Gaels to participate and enjoy the Kingston Santa Parade. Here are some photos of the participants. Hats off to Rae Marie, and the management team at the Junior Gaels Soccer Club for...
BU10 Jr Gaels Soccer Team 2021
It was quite a year for the Junior Gaels. COVID delayed the season, but once we got going there was much fun to be had. Click any of the individual player shots to enjoy the images at their largest. the MOMENT is CAPTURED by photographer robby...
Bin There Dust That sponsors Jr Gaels Soccer Club
Bin There Dust That Commercial Cleaners is pleased to continue to support local athletics in Kingston. Luca Carfa, owner of Bin There Dust That decided to make the committment of sponsored Kingston’s largest youth soccer club, the Kingston Junior Gaels.

Kingston Gaels / Clippers BU16 team, 2019
AhmedShalabyBU16_TraderCard2019Ahmed Shalaby B16 ERSL Champion AimanElrafihBU16_TraderCard2019Aimen Elrafih B16 ERSL Champion AndreSpendloveBU16_TraderCard2019Andre Spendlove B16 ERSL Champion BronisMacDougallBU16_TraderCard2019Bronis MacDougall B16 ERSL Champion...
Frontenac SS Junior Boys Soccer – spring 2019
Congratulations goes out to the Frontenac Secondary School’s Junior Boys soccer team. They began the season winning a tournament and finished the season playing in the KAASSA finals. While they didn’t win the Championship (they had previously beaten LCVI)...Kingston Clippers BU15 team, 2018
Adam Kouri BU15 Trader Card 2018 BU15 Kingston Clippers 2018 Brennan Boyce BU15 Trader Card 2018 BU15 Kingston Clippers 2018 Brice Djomo BU15 Trader Card 2018 BU15 Kingston Clippers 2018 Carson Fraser BU15 Trader Card 2018 BU15 Kingston Clippers 2018 ChéBreadner BU15...