Jun 24, 2017 | Community, Running
The Ktown Kids’ Triathlon has been steadily growing in popularity. The June 24th, 2017 event was the first year it sold out. 400+ participants swam, cycled and ran at the Kingston Memorial Centre. If the momentum is any indication, it is recommended to register...
Feb 26, 2017 | KRRA running, Running
Each year, the Kingston Road Runners load up and head to Peterborough to participate in the YMCA Half & 5K running event. This year was no exception, Sunday February 26th 2017. Most of us take a Runners Choice Kingston sponsored bus. Every year, Kingston is...
Feb 5, 2017 | KRRA running, Running
What a nice day for a race: temperature was 0°C, just a bit of wind and nice fluffy snowflakes to remind us we’re running in the winter. 150+ registered for the KRRA Twosome 5K and Race Directors Cassidy and Kevin didn’t disappoint. Iron Mike of Ageless...