BU14 soccer trader cards

Enjoy this set of trader cards from the SOSA Champion Kingston Clippers Boys’ U14 team. Click any of the thumbnails to view the cards in full and large. Player card design courtesy of hi-octane creative; a local Kingston graphic design company working in tandem...
Kingston Clippers BU14, 2017

Kingston Clippers BU14, 2017

This is a team I have been following closely for years (since I have a personal connection). While there have been tournaments and games photographed in the past, this album is from a number of 2017 games against a few...
Canada Day Limestone Mile 2017

Canada Day Limestone Mile 2017

Canada’s 150th birthday was a soggy one. But that didn’t deter hundreds of area runners to converge on downtown Kingston to run the Kingston Road Runners’ annual event. As usual, the fastest Kingstonians came out and put on three great races. 125+...
Ktown Kids’ Triathlon 2017

Ktown Kids’ Triathlon 2017

The Ktown Kids’ Triathlon has been steadily growing in popularity. The June 24th, 2017 event was the first year it sold out. 400+ participants swam, cycled and ran at the Kingston Memorial Centre. If the momentum is any indication, it is recommended to register...
KGH Trauma 10K Run

KGH Trauma 10K Run

This running race event is part of the KRRA Limestone Race Weekend. The day was chilly and sunny and lots of bugs. Click here to see the race results. This race was sponsored by Runners Choice Kingston and Saucony. the MOMENT is CAPTURED by Robby Breadner. Click the...