Feb 1, 2015 | KRRA running, Running
The KRRA Twosome 5K race happened on February 1st, 2015. Enjoy the photos from the...
Oct 19, 2013 | Community, Entertainment
The zombies were out in full force, ambling, shambling, shuffling down the streets of Kingston ON. October 19, 2013. Click the image to initiate the slideshow. the MOMENT is CAPTURED by photographer robby...
Jul 21, 2013 | Community, People, Running
Junior Kingston Road Runner Association member Ché Breadner interviews Jamie Mc Donald on his trek to run across Canada to raise children for the Sick Kids Hospital. Jamie began in Newfoundland and plans to run to Vancouver BC by December 2013. Learn more about Jamie...
Jul 1, 2012 | Community, KRRA running, Running
The Kingston Road Runners Association hosts the Canada Day Limestone Mile which is Kingston’s fastest running event. It consists of three races: Kids 1-mile, Women’s 1-mile, and Men’s 1-mile, in succession. Each race faster than the last. Oh what fun...